Meningen van klanten
Originele uitrusting

216 banden gevonden voor 195/55 R15 85V

Taurus Highperformance

Taurus Highperformance

195/55 R15 85V
C C 71 db
Band zomer
21 Beoordeling
€ 54,89
Gratis levering
Barum Bravuris 5HM

Barum Bravuris 5HM

195/55 R15 85V
C B B 71 db
Band zomer
52 Beoordeling
€ 71,60
Gratis levering
Infinity Ecosis

Infinity Ecosis

195/55 R15 85V
C C B 71 db
Band zomer
2 Beoordeling
€ 76,29
Gratis levering
Radar Rivera PRO 2

Radar Rivera PRO 2

195/55 R15 89V
D C B 72 db
Band zomer
11 Beoordeling
€ 47,19
Gratis levering
Maxxis Mecotra MAP5

Maxxis Mecotra MAP5

195/55 R15 85V
D C B 70 db
Band zomer
€ 82,89
Gratis levering
Maxxis Mecotra 3 ME3

Maxxis Mecotra 3 ME3

195/55 R15 85V
C B 69 db
Band zomer
42 Beoordeling
€ 87,99
Gratis levering
Sunny NP226

Sunny NP226

195/55 R15 85V
C C B 69 db
Band zomer
€ 47,99
Gratis levering
Arivo Premio Arzero

Arivo Premio Arzero

195/55 R15 85V
C C B 68 db
Band zomer
1 Beoordeling
€ 50,89
Gratis levering
CST Marquis MR61

CST Marquis MR61

195/55 R15 85V
C B B 70 db
Band zomer
1 Beoordeling
€ 53,89
Gratis levering
Toyo Proxes TR1

Toyo Proxes TR1

195/55 R15 85V
D B B 70 db
Band zomer
101 Beoordeling
€ 75,29
Gratis levering
Atlas Green HP

Atlas Green HP

195/55 R15 85V
D C B 69 db
Band zomer
7 Beoordeling
€ 42,89
Gratis levering
Hankook Ventus Prime 3 K125

Hankook Ventus Prime 3 K125

195/55 R15 85V
C A 71 db
Band zomer
680 Beoordeling
€ 106,69
Gratis levering
Mirage MR162

Mirage MR162

195/55 R15 85V
D D B 71 db
Band zomer
1 Beoordeling
€ 75,79
Gratis levering
Nokian Wetproof 1

Nokian Wetproof 1

195/55 R15 85V
C A A 68 db
Band zomer
2 Beoordeling
€ 69,79
Gratis levering
Fulda Ecocontrol HP

Fulda Ecocontrol HP

195/55 R15 85V
DOT 2021
D B 71 db
Band zomer
29 Beoordeling
€ 66,39
Gratis levering
Berlin Tires Summer HP ECO

Berlin Tires Summer HP ECO

195/55 R15 85V
D C B 70 db
Band zomer
2 Beoordeling
€ 60,79
Gratis levering
Rotalla RH01

Rotalla RH01

195/55 R15 85V
C B 69 db
Band zomer
8 Beoordeling
€ 53,89
Gratis levering
Duraturn Mozzo S+

Duraturn Mozzo S+

195/55 R15 85V
C B 71 db
Band zomer
6 Beoordeling
€ 48,58
Gratis levering
Hankook Ventus Prime 3 K125

Hankook Ventus Prime 3 K125

195/55 R15 85V
C B B 71 db
Band zomer
680 Beoordeling
€ 97,19
Gratis levering
Yokohama BluEarth-Es ES32

Yokohama BluEarth-Es ES32

195/55 R15 85V
C B A 68 db
Band zomer
42 Beoordeling
€ 113,79
Gratis levering
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